georgeGeorge Clooney e Amal Alamuddin, a distanza di solo un anno della loro relazione, si sposeranno presto, e le nozze si celebreranno in Italia. Anzi in Toscana, in una grande tenuta che l’attore ha acquistato alcuni mesi fa in Lunigiana. Delle nozze in Italia è certo il Daily Mail che indica anche una data precisa, il 12 settembre. Una amica di Amal ha riferito al quotidiano britannico che la coppia è quasi pronta per spedire le partecipazioni ad amici e familiari. Le nozze sarebbero previste “presso un piccolo paese italiano” dove “i due possono controllare i fotografi”. Scartata la villa dell’attore sul lago di Como perché lei pensa che sia “troppo pubblica” la coppia avrebbe optato per la dimora di recente acquistata in Lunigiana. Della scelta finale sono sicuri alla Proto Organization Enterprises, con sedi a Milano a Londra, che ha trattato per l’attore l’acquisto della tenuta (si parla di 4,5 milioni). La Proto ovviamente continua a mantenere il massimo riserbo e non rivela nemmeno il Comune dove si trova la villa. Sempre secondo il Daily Mail la coppia dopo le nozze farà tappa in Libano dove Amal, noto avvocato, è nata.

Il Tirreno


Yes, it’s really happening! George Clooney sets September date for wedding to human rights lawyer

  • A close friend says that the couple aim to get married on September 12
  • They will tell friends and family to fly to Italy and then Lebanon in September
  • Impatient Clooney set a date to marry a week after popping the question

George Clooney has set a date for his wedding to beautiful human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin – just a week after popping the question.

According to a close friend of Amal, she is poised to send out save the date cards warning friends and family they will need to fly to Italy and then to Lebanon in September. 

‘September 12 is the date they are aiming for,’ said the friend of Lebanese born, British raised Amal, 35.


George Clooney has set a date for his wedding to beautiful human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin – just a week after popping the question.

According to a close friend of Amal, she is poised to send out save the date cards warning friends and family they will need to fly to Italy and then to Lebanon in September. 

‘September 12 is the date they are aiming for,’ said the friend of Lebanese born, British raised Amal, 35.

George Clooney has set a date for his wedding to beautiful human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin – just a week after popping the question.

According to a close friend of Amal, she is poised to send out save the date cards warning friends and family they will need to fly to Italy and then to Lebanon in September. 

‘September 12 is the date they are aiming for,’ said the friend of Lebanese born, British raised Amal, 35.

‘Everyone thinks they will marry in Lake Como where George owns a beautiful home but Amal feels that is too public.

‘They are looking to host a small wedding in an Italian village where they can control the photographers. But they haven’t decided yet.

‘They will then have big parties for her relatives in Lebanon and London.’
