After three weeks and more than 9 million downloads of WordPress 3.9, we’re pleased to announce that WordPress 3.9.1 is now available.

This maintenance release fixes 34 bugs in 3.9, including numerous fixes for multisite networks, customizing widgets while previewing themes, and the updated visual editor. We’ve also made some improvements to the new audio/video playlists feature and made some adjustments to improve performance. For a full list of changes, consult the list of tickets and the changelog.

If you are one of the millions already running WordPress 3.9, we’ve started rolling out automatic background updates for 3.9.1. For sites that support them, of course.

Download WordPress 3.9.1 or venture over to Dashboard → Updates and simply click “Update Now.”

Thanks to all of these fine individuals for contributing to 3.9.1: Aaron Jorbin, Andrew Nacin, Andrew Ozz, Brian Richards, Chris Blower, Corey McKrill, Daniel Bachhuber, Dominik Schilling, feedmeastraycat, Gregory Cornelius, Helen Hou-Sandi, imath, Janneke Van Dorpe, Jeremy Felt, John Blackbourn, Konstantin Obenland, Lance Willett, m_i_n, Marius Jensen, Mark Jaquith, Milan Dinić, Nick Halsey, pavelevap, Scott Taylor, Sergey Biryukov, and Weston Ruter.